
You can’t change what you can’t measure. We have the tools and experience from working with numerous high profile clients to provide small and large businesses with the information necessary to create a carbon footprint and sustainability framework that works with your business. Using the global standard assessment protocol, the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, we can provide the guidance vital to accurately carbon footprint all scopes of your business.

We offer the only state-based carbon neutral certification in the United States. Choosing to reduce your impact by going carbon neutral will increase your profits, improve your customer loyalty, differentiate your business from the competition, and showcase your social responsibility to Colorado.

With Colorado’s goal of reducing our greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050 compared to 2005, timing is imperative. As the only offset provider that invest exclusively into Colorado-based projects and communities, we understand Colorado. We believe that keeping the capital that is produced in Colorado, in Colorado, is an essential ingredient towards solving our climate challenges. 

© Copyright 2019 - Colorado Carbon Fund - Natural Capitalism Solutions